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My Projects

This page contains projects that I have been worked in. Some of the projects may not available anymore.

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As you may know, this is my most recent project that I worked on. I work with this project as Senior Android Developer. I work with this project over 5 years. I have been participated in the app more than 70% of all the pages that this app has.


For Android I used

  • Jetpack Compose

  • View Binding

  • Custom View

  • Google play servies

  • Leanplum

  • Firebase

  • Google Ads Manager

  • and much more!

Except from Android Development, I also create the Micro-service named BFF (Backend for Frontend) that written in Kotlin using Ktor framework. This micro-service has responsibility for call other microservices, add readable text, A/B Testing, and aggerated those data then return that to client (both for Android and iOS)


Guru do ball

This is the project that I enjoy while doing it the most. I got the requirements from CEO/MD and then I lead the project starting with align the team mindset to the goal/objectives of the project, start design sprint, POC, create MVP, testing it, getting feedback and so on.

This project I involved on every part from Project management, design, and also developing the client too.

For technical side it's contain a lot of socket-communication and user-concurrencies data flow and more.




Another project that I done everything from ground up. App, Database and also the UX/UI Design too. 

In this project I design the UX/UI. Develop on Android using Native and use Firebase as backend.


Come 2 Play

Game that using Unity as Game engine.

This game contains a lot of mini games that user could play for their own high score or global high score.

All the game has been developed in C# connect and send data to Firebase to store the user data and high score. 

The mini games that I done are such as,

  • Spot the color different

  • Tap to fly, (like flappy bird)

  • 1 to 50, click the number from 1 to 50 orderly as fast as possible

  • etc

unnamed (1).webp



Superscores is the app that is a Football live scores app that update the score in real-time.

Not only the scores that update in real-time but also the event that happen on the pitch such as the location of the ball, who got the ball, which side attacking and attacking from which location and more.

This app using a lot of technologies that popular at that time

  • Socket communication

  • Firebase

  • Push notification

  • Rxjava

  • Dagger

  • etc.



Comics reader that from Ookbee. Just some basic app that could view gallery and transition from one to another by swiping.




One of the most popular E-book reader / market in Thailand. I participated in done some library view, streaming audio book features and more.


Using PHP and Yii2 Framework to create custom CMS for user to create / generate content in the website.

All of this project I done everything from HTML, CSS, Database, PHP. 



There are many more projects, fields that I worked on, such as IOT, Wechat Mini-app, Vue, Kotlin Multiplatform project and more.

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